Before jumping ship to chase a creator's dream give it a hard thought whether that passion can bring you enough money to lead a decent life. The job you love to do may not necessarily feed you (and your dependents) on a sustained basis. Don’t do anything stupid like abruptly quitting your monotonous job based on a sudden windfall and put…
Before jumping ship to chase a creator's dream give it a hard thought whether that passion can bring you enough money to lead a decent life. The job you love to do may not necessarily feed you (and your dependents) on a sustained basis. Don’t do anything stupid like abruptly quitting your monotonous job based on a sudden windfall and put yourself or your family in trouble after a few months. It’s better to have a job that regularly brings in some money than follow a passion that may or may not shield you/family from financial troubles. Remember, you owe your family a decent living and a paying job would pay your bills, provide health and life insurance, your kids’ fees, and protect your family. So, live one day at a time, and learn to tolerate your monotonous job or a bad boss for the pay check and the security it brings for as long as possible.
Before jumping ship to chase a creator's dream give it a hard thought whether that passion can bring you enough money to lead a decent life. The job you love to do may not necessarily feed you (and your dependents) on a sustained basis. Don’t do anything stupid like abruptly quitting your monotonous job based on a sudden windfall and put yourself or your family in trouble after a few months. It’s better to have a job that regularly brings in some money than follow a passion that may or may not shield you/family from financial troubles. Remember, you owe your family a decent living and a paying job would pay your bills, provide health and life insurance, your kids’ fees, and protect your family. So, live one day at a time, and learn to tolerate your monotonous job or a bad boss for the pay check and the security it brings for as long as possible.