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There are so many interesting things, as always, in this issue, thanks for sharing them. However, among the various elements that I appreciated, the analysis regarding 'commoditized content' is the most relevant (it is no coincidence that it took the title of the issue!). The importance of following core audiences has often been underestimated in the media, and I say this not only with an outside eye trying to connect the dots from an analytical point of view, but also as a consumer. In Italy, for example, we are witnessing the counter-trend growth of very specific media or with a clear purpose carried out in an almost obsessively faithful way. And it paid off. I'm thinking, for example, of the newspaper 'Il Post' (in English translatable as 'The Post') which has brought forward a value proposition that is always crystal clear regarding explaining the news in depth (a bit like Vox). And the fact that various creators are increasingly gaining ground starting from 'niches' is absolutely in line with this trend. I'd be curious to know what you think.

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