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First of all, thanks for the reminder about the heading, I had one, but I forgot I had set it up, so I went and looked at it, and edited it to be shorter, and a little more promotional. Second, after my post about the Alliance for Independent Authors and their survey, I also thought about the novelists who belong to NINC, Novelist, Inc. (and organization for professional novelists). This organization that hosts an annual convention is a perfect example of the existence of this creator middle class that gets ignored, to a large degree because it has been dominated by romance writers, writers who have in fact made a living wage for decades, but are always looked down upon. What is fascinating is as traditional publishers started to write more and more onerous contracts, and smaller presses got gobbled up, NINC members were quick to become hybrids, learning from indie authors how to take their business savy, fans, and shift to self-publishing. Here is a link to their website. https://ninc.com/about-ninc/member-demographics/

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