Hey there! This is my regular Q&A feature that allows readers to ask me questions that I can answer in a future newsletter. Last month I managed to devote several newsletters to answering some really good reader questions, and so I’m excited to keep this going.
So if you’re reading this right now, consider this a personal invitation: ask me a question. Obviously, I’m most knowledgeable on media industry stuff, but I’m also happy to field questions on other topics as well.
Here’s the thread where you can ask your question :
Hi there! I'm sure you have covered this before, but I am wondering how do you recycle some of your longer pieces? I recently started writing some longer pieces that are not really time sensitive. What, in your opinion, is the best strategy to reshape, re-use or re-share the pieces so their reach is increased?
Do you think using your personal name as your brand (as apposed to a brand name) helps or hinders your ability to secure sponsorships and partnerships as a means of monetisation?
Does using a brand name make it seem like more of an official publication as opposed to a person? And is this a good thing or a bad thing, with regard to sponsorship?